Bloom with Fiore

Shortly after Silviya Boycheva got her cosmetology license, she sat nervously in a chair at the

front of a salon in Indianapolis for an interview. She got turned away for not having enough

experience. Nearly 10 years later, she went back to that same salon and bought it for herself, as

the second location of her growing business. Silviya named the Salon, Fiore which means

flower in Italian, and its success has bloomed ever since.

Fiore Hair Salon is a Lanza Healing Center located in Indianapolis, IN. Their team is very

passionate about Lanza which shows retail sales, hitting $10,000 in retail sales per month in

only one of her multiple locations. In 2015 when Silviya was hoping to sell more retail in her

space, she asked her stylists to put in requests for what they wanted, and she carried a little bit

of everything. None of her stylists were able to succeed in retail sales, except one girl who

asked for Siliviya to carry Lanza. Over and over, Siliviya would purchase boxes of Lazna

products and they would sell. Silviya went on to explain, “Then one day my stylist was doing a

mask on her clients hair and I thought it smelled amazing, so I asked her to do it on my hair. My

hair felt so soft, and I couldn’t stop smelling it - Lanza was love at first SMELL”. She knew that

she needed to get rid of the craziness in the salon and convert EVERYTHING to Lanza. Her

stylists were booth rent at the time, so she took all of the items from the booth renters and gave

them a Lanza replacement. “This was the best business decision I have ever made for myself.”

Silviya remarked.

When asked about her and her teams’ incredible retail success, she explained how stylists are

very much like ‘hair doctors,’ and with the right education can really prescribe what their clients

need, remarking that “We don’t really give our clients an option.” They are sure to have travel

sizes on hand to sell to customers who are on the edge about trying something new, and her

team is always excited to explain the benefits of their products to their customers. Silviya, who

became an educator for Lanza , explained how she always recommends that stylists have full

stations and retail areas. She went on to explain that one of the biggest mistakes a salon makes

is being skimpy on how much product they display at their station and skimpy on the product

they use in the styling process. Stylists should not only be using products but also explaining as

they go. “We teach our clients,” Silviya explained. Clients often don’t know how to properly use


Silviya is an extremely driven professional, which is evident in our first story about the founding

of her salon. Shortly after Silviya became a Lanza Educator, she noticed friends and family from

her hometown in Bulgaria showing interest in the product. She ended up connecting with a

distributor in Bulgaria and helping Lanza break into the market there. She heard a lot of “no’s”

before she got that first “yes” to make that happen. Silviya dreams big and makes things happen

for herself. “Sometimes we get so stuck in what we are doing that we forget how to dream. It is

important to write down your dreams because that is the moment it becomes a goal.” To learn

more about setting goals and dreams for yourself head to our business builder In the July/August Issue of The Cut. We walked away from Fiore Hair Salon inspired by Silviya and her team!