Using Engagement to Grow Your Social Media

One of the best ways to grow your social media organically is through engagement! Engagement is any time that a profile interacts with a post on Instagram. This can be by liking, commenting, or saving a post. 

You may be asking… how does engaging with other profiles help? 

Instagram uses an algorithm to decide how they will show posts to profiles. The algorithm favors profiles that are active and consistent. This is why it is important to post consistently. However, it is equally important to engage with your followers consistently too. You will find that your posts and stories are getting more reach, meaning that they are seen by more people, and you will be likely to receive some positive engagement back! 

What positive engagement looks like: 

Follow your clients on social media from your professional account, connect with them by liking their posts and staying up-to-date with big life events! Leave a comment when they do fun things, like go on vacation. Be sure to notice and reach out when you see big life events like, they get engaged, graduate or announce a pregnancy! And for any cute selfies they may post … don’t forget to compliment their hair! 

Interact with other local businesses in the area! You can do that by liking their posts, leaving them a comment, or by sharing when you visit them. You can share your photos from your visit on your story or as a post to your feed, but be sure to tag them! 

Follow a few people from accounts of local businesses that are within your target market and interact with them by liking their photos when they are on your feed, or commenting when they visit a local spot you love!

A word of caution: 

Engagement will only work as a growth technique if it is authentic. If you leave the same comments on multiple posts or follow a large number of accounts at random, it may appear as spam to the Instagram algorithm. 

Additionally, social media should be used as a relationship-building tool, and the only way you will succeed in growing relationships through social media is by using it to engage well with the people who you see in your chair. Leaving a note or sending a message about life events will make your guest feel important and valued outside of your salon!